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Draken Watches

Check out our Hands-On Blog Post about the Draken Bengula here


The name Draken comes from the name Drakensberg, meaning β€˜mountain of dragons’. The Drakensberg extends almost the entire length of South Africa, creating a central plateau with the highest peaks in the east. It is a place that is serene and ancient, and beckons for adventure.


At Draken Watches they strive to create hard-wearing, reliable timepieces that you can take into any outdoor situation, and be confident that it won’t skip a beat. They know that their toughest test begins with you, the customer. Take your Draken to the limits.


To create unique and original designs that fulfill the needs of the customers who seek adventure in all of life’s forms. they are not about creating homages and replicas. When you buy a Draken, you are buying something truly special.